Landscaping and maintenance
of green areas
DECA, Development Engineering Construction Agriculture
Maintenance of complex facilities
DECA, Development Engineering Construction Agriculture
Maintenance of canals
and natural water formations
DECA, Development Engineering Construction Agriculture

Public green areas

DECA offers high quality services, manages public green areas in an innovative and sustainable way, takes care of each space, with consideration to the characteristics of each tree species and human environment, also with a regard to reducing emissions.


DECA takes care of the greenery in its entirety, dealing in grass mowing and pruning, the maintenance of ancient trees, the creation or re-evaluation of city flowerbeds and public parks, as well as cleaning, extermination and reclamation.


Thanks to the expertise acquired over many years, DECA has expanded and specialised its skills, offering its experience in various sectors. DECA services include the maintenance of large complex installations (radio towers) and canals.

Our services






Project Financing


Big green areas and urban forestry

Big green areas and urban forestry

Landscaping is our strong point, 80% of our turnover is achieved thanks to the maintenance of green and environmental hygiene.

Complex facilities and big industrial areas

Complex facilities and big industrial areas

Since the early 2000s, we have been authorised to install, convert, expand and maintain complex industrial facilities.

Canal and natural water formations

Canal and natural water formations

We guarantee transparency of services to our customers, compliance with laws and regulations, and the use of an intelligent platform for the management of activities.

Research & Development

Research & Development

ECA has always invested in R&D and has participated in two European projects for which it was the lead partner, with a total of over 10 million euros invested.

Contact us

For information, demo request, service prices or any other questions. We are available at any time.

D.E.C.A. S.r.l. Development Engineering Construction Agriculture – Capitale sociale € 200.000,00 – Partita Iva N° 01183731007 – C. F. 03323730584 – C.C.I.A.A. 433749 – Trib. Roma 3801/78

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