

In 2006 DECA carried out maintenance activities of TIM Radio Towers:

The activities carried out included the maintenance of building and infrastructure works, such as boundary walls, roads, fences, meters, sheaths, shelters, antenna carriers, etc.; cleaning and care of the greenery and all the plant and animal life making up the site, including any deratting and disinfestation; installation and maintenance of security systems; refilling of the site equipment.
Operating results achieved thanks to the DECA modus operandi and the use of the internal intelligent management system (Welcome2): reduction of the total annual cost from 7.5 million euro to 3.360 million euro due to a reduction in costs for ordinary operations from 887 euro to 400 euro.

6.318 Radio Base Stations

30 Teams active

16 Regions interested

Contact us

For information, demo request, service prices or any other questions. We are available at any time.

D.E.C.A. S.r.l. Development Engineering Construction Agriculture – Capitale sociale € 200.000,00 – Partita Iva N° 01183731007 – C. F. 03323730584 – C.C.I.A.A. 433749 – Trib. Roma 3801/78

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