

DECA provides services for the green, environment and facilities management. Deca operates all over Italy.
In addition to ordinary and extraordinary maintenances DECA also provides cleaning, extermination and reclamation of environments. From 1978 onwards, DECA’s aim has been to ensure a high quality of service, smart management and sustainability.
For each line of business, DECA is able to offer, on a worldwide scale, an entire range of global services: Consulting, Design, Production, Testing, Management, Maintenance and Project Financing.

Innovation and Research and Development to improve services has always been an assets that DECA offers its customers in the form of partnerships as added value to its services. In addition to providing services, DECA customers can count on valid support for all their technological, legal, operational and innovative needs.
Our added value is the continuous pursuit for efficiency and optimization.
Thanks to this philosophy, for all services, the personnel in charge are specifically trained and constantly updated in relation to the type of activity and the products that make up the installation.

DECA has always been committed to providing training courses to its employees and increasingly specialised certifications to its workers. In the last year (2017) DECA trained more than 70 employees, the safety courses held for its personnel reached the value of 21,710 €, for a total of 1130 hours of training.

Maintenance operations are carried out according to training programmes defined in relation to the type of service provided and the experience acquired over many years, updated in relation to the results obtained, and in compliance with contractual requirements and cost optimisation.

DECA offers services to Public Bodies as well as privates. DECA services provide valid support for Companies who will to develop innovation projects, answer to european calls, and submit proposals to POR FES or Horizon 2020.


DECA is certified with a quality system according to the law:
UNI EN ISO 9001,
UNI EN ISO1 4001,
OHSAS 18001.

DECA has the following SOA Attestation:
OG6 II (aqueduts, pipelines, irrigation and drainage works),
OG8 III bis (river works, hydraulic engineering and reclaims),
OS24 VIII unlimited (green and street furniture).

The SOA certificate is the certificate required in Italy for submitting tenders for public works contracts, or a necessary and sufficient document for proving a company’s requirements in a tendering process, either directly or as a subcontractor, to execute public works contracts with a bid price greater than EUR 150,000.

Contact us

For information, demo request, service prices or any other questions. We are available at any time.

D.E.C.A. S.r.l. Development Engineering Construction Agriculture – Capitale sociale € 200.000,00 – Partita Iva N° 01183731007 – C. F. 03323730584 – C.C.I.A.A. 433749 – Trib. Roma 3801/78

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